BATIK GENERATIONX bagi yang lumayan linggisnya bisa berkunjung di mari
*Saya tidak bertanggung jawab Aapabila terjadi kerusakan pada SDcard, brick dan gagal booting (saya harap ini tidak terjadi).*Harus sudah terpasang CWM Atau TWRP*Harap melakukan backup terlebih dahulu dan cari tahu kelebihan dan kekurangan rom sebelum melakukan flashing rom (wanti-wanti aje).* DWYOR(do with your own risk!)
Batik atau bisa juga disebut dengan Custom rom batik basenya adalah CM10, tapi jangan kawatir tampilan dan performanya bagus kok hheheheheh.
Based latest CM10 by FXP
Serajr Power Toggle
Modified FlymeOS SystemUI
Phoenix FB Apps (Xperia neo L only)
Zeus FB Apps (Xperia PLAY only)
Cyber-shot Vignette
Dolby Digital Plus
ROM logo at About Phone
Nova Launcher
Semi transparent framework
Modded framework
Sense 4 Recent Apps
Xperia Z1 Keyboard
WALKMAN Music Player
ROM and Patch
Download semua part dan taruh di SDcard
1. Flash stock ftf firmware using Flashtool (Sebenarnya tidak di flash juga tidak apa2 tapi bagi yang ragu dan takut gagal ane saranin untuk flash stock rom pakek flash tool)
2. Flash recommended kernel
3. Go to recovery mode
4. Do full wipe (Cache, Dalvik Cache, Data and System)
5. Install BatikGenerationX_v2
6. Reboot to system and complete the setup wizard
8. Go back to recovery mode
9. Install BatikGenerationX_v2
10. Wipe cache & dalvik cache
11. Reboot to system
12. Enjoy your new ROM
If WiFi Tether forceclose, just re install it as normal apk
If you come from previously built, you can do Nandroid Backup and do restoring DATA ONLY after install BatikGenerationX_v2[part2].zip so you will not lose your data
Build 1.0
Initial Release
Build 1.1
Battery in setting fixed
New modified systemui
HTC recent apps
New modified framework
Added Onde2 ViperEvo, Walkmod
Kitkat Launcher
Updated Play Store
Build 2.0
Minor Bugs Fix
Added FlymeOS SystemUI
Added Serajr Power Toggle
Added Modified Sound Effects
New Settings layout
Build 2.1
Added Fly-On Mod tweak
Added battery tweak
Added Tabbed Settings
Build 2.2
Removed some apps
Added Dolby Digital Plus
Build 2.3
Some Bugs Fixed
Added ChaOS Network Speed Meter
Added Zeus FB Apps (Xperia PLAY only)
Oppo Launcher (dari kang roony ahmed)
Lenovo Launcher
After u finished with the rom go to Settings-Developer options and change all animation scale to .5x or disable for better perfomance
This will reduse lag a lot!!!
If u want facebook, just use "Phoenix FB" that I have provided in the rom
or get into from browser,don't download apps that eat ram very much
Give 1x reboot every day
FXP [ROM Base]
leonfirdaus [Partner & Designer]
wedgess [Forum Moderator]
atmodimejad [Suhu]
WahyuAndri [Onde2 apps]
inuer [RAM tweak]
Rizal Lovins [Cyber-shot Vignette]
serajr [Serajr Power Toggle]
lidroid [SystemUI]
rovo89 [Xposed]
ronii ahmad [Oppo Launcher]
Man'z Marmoth [Lenovo Launcher]
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