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[PORT] [ROM] ATOM-OS LOLIPOP with cleanUI IOS For Lenovo A369i
Terbaru 2017
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[PORT] [ROM] ATOM-OS LOLIPOP with cleanUI IOS For Lenovo A369i
link: [PORT] [ROM] ATOM-OS LOLIPOP with cleanUI IOS For Lenovo A369i
Berbagi [PORT] [ROM] ATOM-OS LOLIPOP with cleanUI IOS For Lenovo A369i Terbaru dan Terlengkap 2017
[PORT] [ROM] ^ATOM-OS LOLIPOP^ with cleanUI IOSRom Baru cb Atom Os Lolipop 5.02+ ,with cleanUI ios" By me : Ats Vutra
Features ROM ATOM-OS LOLIPOP with cleanUI IOS For Lenovo A369i:
- Modified Android L looks
- Bugless n Stable
- CleanUI only for ios (iphone) style lovers...
- Applocker inbuilt in CleanUI
- Fully Deodexed
- Pre-Rooted
- Dual 3G Swipe Supported
- SuperSmooth UI
- Improvements in build.prop
- JoSS Camera Quality
- Good Audio Quality
- Good battary backup
- Viper//dolbi apk version added
- init.d Supported Kernel
- Fully Gravity Box Supported
- Ultra Fast Lagfree Performance (Don't need to watch your Ram bcoz When ram 20mb free its perform like same as before like a Rocket//)
- LoliPop Boot Animation
- 234mb cache swap included
- New Dailer & Contacts
- Good Ram Management
- Xtreme Booster...(must use)
- And Much More...
APP included ROM ATOM-OS LOLIPOP with cleanUI IOS For Lenovo A369i:
- Xposed Insataller.
- Lenovo Ultra Battery SavinG Super apps Added.
- Lenovo Wi-Fi shareinG apps Added
- Lenovo AnyShare Added.
- Super OpenCamera apps Added.
- Greenify Pro Added.
- Titanium Backup Pro V7 Added.
- Super Lite LaG free VideoS+(floating) player Added.
- (Apollo) DarK Cyanide MusiC player Added
- Ram Manager Pro Added (Swap+multitaskinG).(u can swipe ram internal/external 1mb to 2GB) as ur need
- New FacebooK Lite Added.
- Etc
Install ROM ATOM-OS LOLIPOP with cleanUI IOS For Lenovo A369i:
- Wipe data factory reset
- Wipe cache partition
- Wipe Dalvik Cache
- Mounts and storagFormat /System /data /cache (Recommended)
- Install zip from sd
- Choose zip
- From sdcard
- Select Zip
- Reboot System now
- Enjoy NEW ROM baru atom os mtk 6572 mediatek
- Yang mau Dialpad cakep rasa kopi bagi yang ingin menggantinya flash lsg :
Klik disini
- Tambah lagi joss ni Lolipop Call going screen mantap bagi yang ingin menggantinya juga flash langsung
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